Cosmetic Tattooing

Semi permanent makeup for your Lips

Full Lip Colour, Lip Line & Blend or Lip-liner

Lip Line and Blend Cosmetic Tattooing

This technique outlines the lip shape then blends the colour from the lip line onto the lips, making the outline less obvious.

A lip line and colour blend makes it much easier to apply lipstick and ensures a great shape all the time.

Lip line only is also available.

Full lip colour Cosmetic Tattooing

This is the most popular lip treatment, where the lips are left tinted with an overall colour. 'No more lipstick worries!'

Lips will always look tinted with a beautiful shape.

An almost endless colour palette is available.

Client reviews

  • "My lips had gotten lighter over the years.  I wanted a natural look and didn't want to rely on lipstick all the time.

          I love my new fuller lips - day and night". 'Shelly - 54 year old Business Owner'

  • "I wanted to emphasise my thin lips without surgery or dermal fillers.  I am delighted with my new look and cant stop smiling.

        The added bonus was that I felt it didn't hurt a bit".  'Jenny - 28 year old model'

Client Care - Even though this is generally a 'semi-permanent' process, colour can be modified or changed.

'Refreshing' your beautiful cosmetic tattoo is always available to Skinmedics' original patients at a reduced cost*.

*Conditions apply.

Call Skinmedics Reception to discuss now on 02 9571 8622!


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